Dental bonding can repair minor damage quickly and affordably. In this procedure, Dr. Joseph Rota can apply ultra-thin layers of tooth-shaded resin to the damaged area until both form and function are restored. The results blend in seamlessly with the rest of the tooth and can last 10 years or longer.
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00:00:05.529 --> 00:00:08.743
If somebody chips the edge of a tooth,
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oftentimes we have kids
coming in that chip their front tooth
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and my own son did that when
he was 12 years old,
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we can place very quickly
a resin restoration
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where it's bonded to the tooth
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and restores the tooth
to its normal appearance.
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Especially for a child
who's still growing
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and we don't want to do
a more definitive restoration,
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like a veneer at that age,
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we'd rather have the child
grow up a little bit
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and have the rest of their teeth form
when their smile is fully formed
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and then we can do something that's
more permanent like a porcelain veneer.
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We can also use it for fillings
if we're doing a small enough filling,
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even in the back of the mouth,
where we want a white filling.
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I don't do any metal fillings,
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no amalgams, mercury
or anything like that.
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I haven't for many, many years.
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With the resin-filling material,
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we can bond that into the tooth
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and sculpt it
to make it look like a tooth.
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Dental bonding can last quite a long time.
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Usually we see about anywhere
from 8-10 years out of a restoration,
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sometimes longer
if they're done really well,
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and with high-quality materials,
which we use.
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If a patient is looking for something
that's more long-lasting,
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maybe a lifetime, then we're
usually going into a ceramic restoration
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that's made by our CEREC technology
outside of the mouth.
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It's designed more accurately,
and more fitted, and it's stronger
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and so oftentimes we'll do
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a ceramic restoration
instead of the resin.